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Women's Physique World (WPW) continues to master very old videos on to 'Archives DVDs', in addition to releasing NEW video/DVD titles each month, as follows. In addition, we are keeping our 'buy 3 DVDs, get one free' sale on through February, and you can include these new January and February DVD titles as well. All WPW DVDs, as well as WPW Archives, WPW Compilation DVDs, Ray Martin and Fitness Video DVDs are included in the sale. You may take advantage of this sale two ways only: through our Online Store at or through a mail order mailing brochure which will be in the mail shortly for those of you who are on the mailing list.
See you next month with two more NEW WPW Video/DVDs (both of an All-Time favorite...) and a few more Archives DVDs.....

NEW VIDEOS/DVDs (more video info in our Online Store):

WPW 733: Features ANDREA GIACOMI, a local NYC bodybuilder in contest shape-gymwork, interview and lots of posing.
WPW 734: A 'swimsuit best of' for HEATHER HULSEBERG-LEE, where we have taken all of her bikini/one-piece footage from her four originally released WPW videos from 2000-2004. She is in contest shape and off season, and yes, her original DVDs remain intact.
WPW 735: Features HEIDI HANSEN in top figure contest shape and all of WPW video 579 of MaryBeth Rossi. Lots of posing for each woman, and interviews.
WPW 736: Another 'swimsuit best of', this time for ANNIE RIVIECCIO, showing posing scenes from our original WPW videos, which also remain intact as well. Annie poses in bikinis and one-pieces over a 20 year period, from 1988 through 2007.

OLDER VIDEOS NOW ON 'ARCHIVE DVDS' (additional guide photo and DVD descriptions in our Online Store):

WPW 83= Mona Krause
WPW 97= Debbie McKnight/Rita Hatch/Jodie Osborne
WPW 140= Anja Langer/Lupita Lugo/Leny Tops (this replaces WPW 69 of Langer and 70 of Lugo)
WPW 156= Betsy Hoffman/Erin Maldonado/Jan Keenan
WPW 170= Skye Ryland/MaryEllen Campo/Denise Duffield/Kim Robinson
WPW 206= D'Lynne Miller
WPW 237= 1993 US Bodybuilding Championships
WPW 314= 1997 Junior Nationals/Extravaganza Bodybuilding Contests



WPW ARCHIVE DVD's Sample Gallery:


Anja Langer  Debbie McKnight  Heidi Hansen  Andrea Giacomi

Skye Ryland  Heather Hulseberg-Lee  Mona Krause  Betsy Hoffman

Annie Rivieccio  D'Lynne Miller  1993 USA Championship  1997 Junior Nationals




WPW ARCHIVE DVD's Sample Videos:


Lorri Sarkistan (103.4 MB)  Liz Karp (90.4 MB)

© Video clip 1 is from Video WPW 148 - Lorri Sarkistan

© Video clip 2 is from WPW DVD Compilation #4 - Liz Karp



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