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Welcome to the Page of the extremely attractive, great muscled and very strong Powerlifting Champion AMY "FIRECRACKER" VAUGHAN!

(all pictures are used by Amy's personal permission)



Some Info about AMY:


My name is Amy Lynn Vaughan I was born in Wake Forest North Carolina on May 4, 1980. I have always been very outgoing and independent and heavily involved with being fit. I was always into aerobics and cheerleading as well as gymnastics and throughout highschool I became an immense cardio freak.


In January of 2001, I meet Ronnie Shirley, a toughman competitor and Johnny Perry who recently passed away but won the Fourth Strongestman Man in the world title in 2002. I began to date Ronnie and he and Johnny convinced me that I was built to powerlift so I finally agreed to start trainging with them and decided to lift heavy. After two months of intense training they talked me into doing a push/pull meet in South Carolina, sanctioned by the APA. After my first show I was hooked,I set two Junior World Records and I began to live, sleep and eat powerlifting and have developed an addiction to the sport. I am still a full time college student in the radiology field and also work a full time job as the vice president of a reposession company so finding the proper time to train and eat correctly is a job within itself.


I am very fortunate however, because I have some great sponsors and trainers. My main sponsor is Crians Muscle World, Ricky Dale Crain supplies me with all my suits and wraps as well as valuable information and insight from his many years as a World Champion and World record Holder.


My trainer, Ronnie Shirley, formulates all my workouts as well as helps me structure my meals and protien intake, and makes sure that on game day I can focus on my lifting and be as intensed as focused as humanly possible. We have developed some great friendship and realtionships with several great lifters, and have great assisatnce on every lift. I get Randy Smith, former World champion to help perfect my Squat, Jeff McVicar bench specialist to help me on the bench and Brandon Cass deadlift extremeist to perfect my pulls.


To date, I am still in the Junior Class but compete in opens at every show. I Currently hold in the APA and APF 14 World Records, 14 national Records and 20 State records in the 148, Tested, Non-tested Junior and Open classes. To date my best lifts are a 507lb squat which ranks 7th all time in my class, a 285 Bench Press, a 450 Deadlift and a 1215 total.I am ranked the number one Junior 148 in the World.


My short term goal is to set the alltime American Squat Record in the 148's before I leave the Junior class and my long term goals are to hold all the APF-WPC and APA-WPA Open World Records.


I hope that through lifitng, doors will open that allow me to help people,especially children, and make this world a better place to live in. Lifting has allowed me the confidence and mental fortitude to realize that through perserverence and dedication no aspiration is unattainable and anyone can acomplish set dreams and goals if giving the shot and encouragement.We all have a fire burning inside of us that just needs a port of exit, and the path it will lead you on is as unpredictalbe as the weather, but if we ever search our souls and find a way to realease that fire, then the journey will be one we wont regret. On that journey one must overcome all obstacles and cross countless bridges,but keep in mind that Jesus built a bridge for all of us to use, and he did it with only three nails and a cross. Set your goals and lift your dreams....Keep Smiling


Amy Firecracker Vaughan


Some Stats:

Biceps 13"
Chest 36"
Waist 28"
Shoulders 46"


Squat 507lbs
Bench 285lbs
Deadlift 450lbs
Total 1215lbs




AMY's Photo Gallery:


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Please also check out Amy's own website at:



Amy can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


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