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Welcome to the Profile Page of the very attractive and muscular IFBB Professional Bodybuilder EMERY MILLER!

(all pictures are used by Emery's personal permission)



Some Info about EMERY:


Birthdate: 10-03-1964
Height: 5’ 2 ˝ “
Weight: 128 Contest
160 Off Season
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Eyes: Green-Blue
Chest: 40 C
Arms: 15 ˝“
Waist: 27”
Quads: 23 ľ ”
Calves: 16 ˝”

Growing up I was the last person who would ever have been accused of being athletic. I was teeny, scrawny, had a heart murmur and was “allergic” to anything that involved sweating. I was also a compulsive over-eater which was compounded by Bulimia. After 15 years of suffering through my self-destruction I was able to overcome the disease although I struggle with it everyday. When I feel like I may falter, I just look myself in the eye and yell, “Stop it!.”

After I married, my ex-husband, Patrick, and I became downright fat. Patrick was eventually diagnosed with morbid obesity at 5’10”; 302 lbs; 43% bodyfat and at 5’2“; 188lbs. and 38% bodyfat, I learned that I was "significantly obese." I hadn't realized that so much weight had crept on. There was no more time to waste. I knew that if we didn’t do something together that neither one of us would make it. That something turned out to be Bodybuilding. My weight is now increasing once again, but it’s all lean mass. Bodybuilding has done so much for my self-esteem.

I have been able to do so much because I changed my life. I have been able to work as a Paid Call Firefighter; Emergency Medical Technician; Apprentice Stunt Persons and Certified Personal Trainer. Not too bad for someone who once became winded due to the exertion of feeding herself and broke the mattress because she and her spouse were so fat. I’ve even done 3 Full-Body Burns so far. If we can do it…anyone can.

Contest History

2001 Ironman Magazine Naturally, 1st Place Open & Novice LW
2002 Border States Classic, Overall Open & Novice, LW
2002 Tournament Of Champions, Overall Open, LW
2003 NPC California Championships, 1st Place Open, MW
2003 NPC USA Championships, 1st Place, LW
2003 NPC National Championships, 12th Place, LW
2004 NPC National Championships, 1st Place, MW (*earned Pro card)
2006 Atlantic City Pro, 11th LW
2007 Europa Supershow, 9th LW
2007 Atlantic City Pro, 7th LW
2008 Atlantic City Pro, 9th One Class
2010 PBW Tampa Pro, 10th One Class

Training: I, like many other people used to say that I didn’t have time to work out, which is why when I started I was willing to get up for the gym at 3:45 a.m., so I could get to the gym when they opened & workout before I had to go to work. Now I’m fortunate enough that my gym here allows me a key so I work out at 1:00am after the gym is closed and I have the whole place to myself…SPOILED! ;.)

My favorite part to work is Quads. My least favorite part to work is Quads. It’s a love-hate thing. My favorite exercise is the Leg Extension. It’s grueling, painful and I do them as heavy as I can for a drop-set of 100. I do them until tears are streaming down my face. When I stop it’s such a rush! My blood is pumped, warm & floods my extremities. That usually happens just after I stand up & before I hit the floor. Then it’s off to squats!

Important People I Am Thankful For

My family: My ex-husband, Patrick who is my spotting partner, and sometimes photographer. My daughter, Kimberly, for putting up with long nights at the gym during contest prep., contest food, hectic schedules, and a Mom who sometimes has to wear clothes that she'd rather not have her boyfriends see someone else in, my dog for sacrificing her after-dinner table scraps during contest diets (there's nothing left on the plates when you’re that hungry).

To IFBB Pro, Dave Fisher for all the years of help teaching us how to compete, pose, diet, tan, every little thing we needed to know & for getting me to the national stage. He taught us all the things that make an amateur into a pro.

To IFBB Pro, Joanna Thomas for helping me so selflessly with the 2004 Nationals diet even though she was getting ready for the O. And to both of us for having the fortitude not to kill each other when we were both dieting. I guess we should thank Patrick for that also. ;.)

To Dave Palumbo for helping me look the best I’ve looked on the pro stage.

To Steve Wennerstrom, for being such a positive influence and a true blue friend. There is too much to say on this, so I'll leave it at that.

And finally... to all the fans, friends, photographers, fellow-competitors, judges and service providers who did even the smallest thing that helped me make it to the Pro ranks. Much thanks and respect to you all.

Come visit me at: RELAUNCH COMING SOON!!

Contact Info:
Emails can be sent to [email protected]

Emery Miller
Post Office Box 271975
Tampa, FL 33688




EMERY's Photo Gallery:


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Video clips:


Video clip (58.9 MB)  Video clip (38.2 MB)

© Video clips are courtesy of FemFlex



Please check out Emery's own website at:



Emery can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Emery



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