Welcome to the Page of the classic muscular look of the extremely gorgeous IFBB Professional Bodybuilder GINA DAVIS! (all pictures are used by Gina's personal permission) Something about GINA: GINA L. DAVIS AGE-36 LIVE IN OKC, OK OCCUPATION-Personal Trainer/IFBB Professional Bodybuilder HOW/WHY STARTED LIFTING WEIGHTS: My parents bought me my first weight set when I was in junior high due to my fascination with Cory Everson. I had her poster on my wall and thought she had the ideal female physique. I was in athletics from 6th grade on, and during the conditioning times, I always outlifted the other girls...and some of the guys! I became serious about bodybuilding when I was 22 years old. After nine years of intense training and developing a stageworthy physique, I entered and won overall at my first bodybuilding competition. COMPETITION HISTORY: 1999 Lackland Classic (novice heavyweight and overall winner) 2000 Texas State Championship (open heavyweight runner up) 2002 John Sherman Classic (open heavyweight winner) 2002 Nationals (heavyweight-13th) 2003 Nationals - 7th Place Heavyweight 2004 Nationals - 1st Place Heavyweight & Overall 2006 Europa Super Show - 7th Place (pro debut) HOBBIES: I certainly don't fit the stereotype of the typical female bodybuilder...I love to shop for girly things such as purses, makeup, jewelry, etc... I believe maintaining your feminity in this sport is critical. I also enjoy researching things of interest on the internet. I am an avid boxing fan and even trained for a match a few years ago which never came about due to my shift back to bodybuilding. Thankfully I did because I was able to reach a goal of mine to become an IFBB Pro! FUTURE PLANS: After a devastating bicep injury in mid-2005, I have worked very hard to get back into top shape as I plan for my pro debut in 2006. Where I go from here is yet to be determined. As long as I love it, I will continue to compete in this ever-changing sport that I have chosen...or did it choose me? *wink* CONTACT: Website: www.ginadavis.us | GINA's Photo Gallery: © Photos 1 & 12 are courtesy of Mike Yurkovic www.musclesensuality.com © Photos 2-6 are courtesy of Gene X Hwang www.genexmagazine.com © Photos 11 is courtesy of Superbodypart www.superbodypart.net Video clips: Please also check out Gina's own website at: www.ginadavis.us  You are visitor © 2003-2007 by Gina Davis