THE FLEXXY TIMES So, where do I begin? I was born a poor white kid in Texas…….hold up, wait a minute. Let’s get real, shall we? I was born in Dallas Texas. My age, I might say, I'm extremely proud of. My birth date is 2nd of August, 1963…Yep, that's right. I'm 41. I work for Delta Airlines but I consider my profession and career to be a choreographer to the Fitness Finest. I was never athletic but have been dancing since the age of 6. I did the foo-foo things, you know…drill team, ballet, piano lessons, I was even a Debutante (go figure) I was just minding my own business as I passed the gyms looking at the hunks, errrr, the weights and the gym owner asked if I was interested in doing a bodybuilding show…. I said yes. Heck, I was bored, what would you have done? It had never crossed my mind, I had never collected the mags or gone to any shows…I was busy….doing stuff… I mean, I was 24 years old… Of course as most of you know, when you enter that one show and do good ( 5th place to me was good) then you have "the bug" It was in Austin Texas and it was called the "Texas Gold Classic" . It was quite an experience. My most memorable show was the Nationals 2000, where I placed 4th and Heather Foster won. Boy, we had so much fun. We lit up the stage. Of course being 41 and starting in 1984 puts a lot of contest under my belt…From the Texas Gold Classic (5th place) to the Iron maiden (1st in heavy) and oooh I forgot about the North American, I forgot the year but I was in the same class ( because I missed my weight) as this one girl…..hmmmm what was her name…She was awesome, came out of nowhere…..ohhhhhhh Lenda…that was the year of Lenda Murrays and Joni Bovinos. I got crushed and that was my first experience in not making the night show…Wow, that's an eye-opener. I'm at work as I'm typing this but my fun doesn't start until 5 or 6pm when I am at the gym and totally focused….As this bio is being typed I have my hands full with judging the Ronnie Coleman Classic and choreographing routines and teaching the figure girls how to look classy and sexy while standing in those 5 inchers…… At least today isn't track day…That was yesterday…I do the track on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays…It really helps with my lower body…I'm off on Sundays and Mondays from work so that's my Sheilahe" time. I go to church on Sundays and eat mom's cooking and then I take a swing out class. I call it the "black salsa" ha ha. I love music and love to dance so that's my getaway on Sundays. On Mondays, I try my best to be a bum but somehow, it isn't quite working out like I planned. I'm training 5 days a week right now and then I'll cut back to 4days. Since I am blessed with leaning out so quickly, I rarely do cardio off season. I struggle with putting on muscle size. We all have our struggles, don't we. I don't do any track and I primarily lift as a power lifter would, during the off season. When it's game time….It's no joke.. From cardio before work and then the track and then the super sets . Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it, but it all pays off at the end when you see all that work on stage, right? My trainer, Robert, is so proud of my gains. A few months ago, I finally hit the 315lb mark on the bench press and the same on squats…My arms are still a little less than 18inches…That makes me mad….It's hard to get those suckers up to 18…..Dang it.. Robert, there aren't any words to express your faith in me….Thank you I have an awesome workout partner that keeps me laughing, so it makes my day to have that support around me.. All of us need that… Gwynda is mine…We each should have that person that has your back when in training….Thanks, G I love training legs because I know that will set me apart from others and I also hate training legs because it hurts so bad…..I don't even understand myself, sometime. I don't mind the leg extensions as much and I actually love the way my legs feel when I'm doing lunges, it's just doing them that chaps my behind. Now that I’ve finished the North American, Robert and I have some homework to do. I’ll train for 10 weeks instead of 4 weeks (minus the IV, lol) Work on my delts and continue to bring my legs up and come in harder. When I tell you how far Men’s bodybuilding has come along on their posing routine, I’m not exaggerating. Those boys broke it down, guys. Whoa, breathtaking. Women's bodybuilding criteria will come and go…I just roll with the punches and try not to sacrifice what I think is sexy until the sport gets it right. My favorite physiques come in many styles…from the Lenda Murrays,( that's top notch with me and her posing is impeccable) to the Gina Davises. I have just added Kim Perez (new pro) to my favorites. She is such a genuine person and crazy as they come. Let’s wish her the best as she gets ready for her first pro show here in Texas…THE EUROPA. Ok, I’ve got some shout outs for my peeps. First and foremost, I thank God for without him, I would not have this body, my mental strength and my faith to continue to push forward. My trainer, Robert, kick my sexy black tail from beginning to end. I represented him on that stage and he’s proud of me. That means a lot to me. Lol, Gwynda, she doesn’t even compete and had to train like I did ‘cause that’s what workout partners do. Bless her (hoochie mama) heart. My parents are as supportive now as they have been. Their love never fails. From figure to fitness to bodybuilding.. We're all sisters in Iron….Let's represent as a family and keep it real, shall we? Aight…..Easy, Star, Jill, Atlanta, HERE WE COME. I’M OUT. Ciao Please note: Sheilahe does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!! |