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Welcome to the Page of the very attractive & beautifully muscled IFBB Professional Figure Competitor JENNIFER SEARLES!

(all pictures are used by Jennifer's personal permission)



Some Info about JENNIFER:


Where and when were you born? New Bedford, MA on June 13th.


What is your profession? Personal Trainer, IFBB Pro Figure Competitor, endorsed Pinnacle athlete, Fitness Model


Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to bodybuilding/figure and how did you get started with weight training? I was a figure skater for 7 years. I began weight training to look and feel better about myself. I also had moved to New York City to pursue an acting career and wanted to look better for my auditions.


Was it a goal for you to compete in figure competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body? I never in a million years thought I would ever compete. I just wanted to look and feel better. People would always tell me I should do a show, because I had “good genetics” – I had no idea what they meant. At the time, there was only fitness, and I couldn’t really perform any gymnastics. After being encouraged to try it anyway, I cartwheeled my way through my first fitness show. A year later figure was born… thank goodness!


Can you give me your competition history? 
2001 – Fitness America Nationals 18th out of 100
2001 - Natural Eastern Classic – 2nd place Figure
2002 – Women’s Extravaganza – 4th place Figure / Overall Fitness
2003 – Bev Francis Atlantic States – Overall Figure
2003 - Junior National Figure Championships – 7th place C Class
2003 - National Figure Championships – 16th out of 71 D Class
2004 – Jr. USA Figure Championships – 8th place C Class
2004 - Jr. National Figure Championships – 3rd place C Class
2004 - National Figure Championships – 1st place E Class (PRO QUALIFIER)
2005 – Pittsburgh Pro Figure Championships – 16th place
2005 - New York Pro Figure Championships – 2nd place
2005 - North American Pro Figure Championships – 2nd place
2005 - Figure Olympia – 9th place


Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you? There are two. First, the 2004 Figure Nationals, where I earned my pro-card. Second, the 2005 Figure Olympia. I was so amazed to be on the same stage as some of the girls I had been looking up to for so long… I couldn’t believe that they were now my competitors! It was an unreal feeling to be able to participate in the biggest show of the sport in my first year as a pro.


Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.) I do tons of cardio! When prepping I am doing cardio twice per day 6 days a week. I also am lifting 4-5 days per week on a 2 day on, 1 day off, 2 day on, 2 day off schedule. I usually am lifting in the 10-12 rep range, and am working to failure. Off-season, I am pretty much lifting the same way, but vary my rep schemes and exercises a bit more. I still do tons of cardio (but not quite as much) in the off-season… I really like to eat…


What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much? I LOVE SHOULDER PRESSES!!! They are killer for overall delt development. I HATE doing abs and one-arm rows… dunno why, just hate ‘em!


Which body part is your best in your opinion? I’m told my glutes… I like my shoulders and back.


If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)? 36D-26-36… never measured my arms… I have leg pressed 1000 pounds before (1 RM) and have overhead pressed a little more than my bodyweight (160 lbs)


What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'? I enjoy the structure of the on-season. There is no guessing about diet choices… you eat what you are supposed to eat and eat it when you’re supposed to eat it. It is very easy really! I also like the focus that I have when I’m getting ready. It’s pretty cool to be able to work so hard at something, having a goal in mind, and then get to show everyone the fruits of your hard work. I LIKE THE EATING I CAN DO IN THE OFF –SEASON J No, in all seriousness, I do enjoy the more loose eating regimen, but I also love being able to re-connect with family and friends after a long competition season. This sport can be very self-centered, and it’s easy to lose yourself in it and neglect those around you. I wish it weren’t that way – it ‘s an unfortunate sacrifice…


Please describe a typical day in the life of Jennifer Searles.
6am Wake and drink my coffeeeeeee, check/answer e-mail
6:45 1 hour of stairmaster, then shower and breakfast
9:15 Head to the gym
11:00 Lift and more cardio
1-7 Train clients
7-10 Unwind, prepare food for next day, answer more e-mail
10:30 BED


Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out (hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.) I love to spend time with my boyfriend either eating out, or having a glass of nice wine… I am a wine buff… We spent the week after the last Olympia (2005) in Napa Valley touring different wineries. We had a blast! I like to shop (sounds cliché, I know, but I do…) I also am addicted to the Internet… I am always researching something….


What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle? I enjoy feeling healthy – a no-brainer! I also really enjoy teaching what I know to my clients. There’s nothing like a person coming to you desperately wanting to change themselves for the better, and you helping them to achieve their goals. It’s a wonderful feeling to have my clients express their gratitude and tell me that they couldn’t have done it without me! (Although, I know they could have… they are all so great!)


Tell me something interesting about yourself - something people may be surprised to hear. I am afraid of the dark.


What are your competition goals or personal future goals? I want to be in the sport for a long time, whether I am competing or being a representative for the lifestyle. I would love to someday win the Olympia (EVERYONE’S goal…) but would settle for just making it there every year… the competition is getting stiffer every year! I ultimately want to know that I made a difference in someone’s life that needed it. As I said before, it’s very heart warming for me to help someone change their lives for the better, whether it be physically or emotionally.


Please note:

Jennifer does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




JENNIFER's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 4-10 are courtesy of Barry Brooks

© Photos 11-12 are courtesy of Amir Marandi



Please also check out Jennifer's all revamped website at:



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