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Last update:


December 8th 2015



Welcome to the Profile Page of the extremely attractive and beautifully muscled Hungarian IFBB Physique Competitor SUZY KELLNER!

(all pictures are used by Suzy's personal permission)



Some info about SUZY:


Hello, I'm Suzy Kellner, IFBB physique competitor! I was born in 1982 in Hungary.


After I finished the elementary school, I continued my studies in high school. In parallel with the high school years, I worked. Although I have always been implied in physique activities, for years I had to fight with gross anorexic disease! This disease it was degenerated so far so that I had to be hospitalized in critical condition! After the treatment, I decided to make a change in my life.


Again, I was in close contact with the sport and I started with the Brazilian capoeira, and acrobatics. I was training almost every day. I applied to the college of Physical Fitness and Bodybuilding. The contact with the bodybuilding was when I visited a gym for the first time.


When I started to workout I was only 39kg. Then I sta rted to seriously deal with the bodybuilding. I set the target to become World Champion. I never gave up my dreams and my goals for success. If you want your dreams to come true, you have to fight in any way.


Main results: Hungarian League - 2 place; 3 times International Champion; 1 time European Champion (1st place); 1 time World Champion (1st place).



SUZY's Photo Gallery:




Please also visit Suszy's own website at



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© 2015 by Suzy Kellner

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