Last update: December 8th 2015 | Welcome to the Profile Page of the extremely attractive and beautifully muscled Hungarian IFBB Physique Competitor SUZY KELLNER! (all pictures are used by Suzy's personal permission) Some info about SUZY: Hello, I'm Suzy Kellner, IFBB physique competitor! I was born in 1982 in Hungary. After I finished the elementary school, I continued my studies in high school. In parallel with the high school years, I worked. Although I have always been implied in physique activities, for years I had to fight with gross anorexic disease! This disease it was degenerated so far so that I had to be hospitalized in critical condition! After the treatment, I decided to make a change in my life. Again, I was in close contact with the sport and I started with the Brazilian capoeira, and acrobatics. I was training almost every day. I applied to the college of Physical Fitness and Bodybuilding. The contact with the bodybuilding was when I visited a gym for the first time. When I started to workout I was only 39kg. Then I sta rted to seriously deal with the bodybuilding. I set the target to become World Champion. I never gave up my dreams and my goals for success. If you want your dreams to come true, you have to fight in any way. Main results: Hungarian League - 2 place; 3 times International Champion; 1 time European Champion (1st place); 1 time World Champion (1st place). | SUZY's Photo Gallery: Please also visit Suszy's own website at  You are visitor Stats © 2015 by Suzy Kellner