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Welcome to the Page of the very attractive and very muscular IFBB Professional Bodybuilder RHONDA LEE QUARESMA!

(all pictures are used by Rhonda's personal permission)



Some Info about RHONDA:


Name: Rhonda Lee Dionne Quaresma 
Birthdate: December 11
Sign: Sagittarius
Decent: father native Indian and French - Mother Dutch and Scottish
Family: 2 half sisters - 1 half brother - 2 full brothers
My Cats: Sassy (female) Mace (male) they are brother and sister and the loves of my life.
Occupations: IFBB Pro Body Builder - Personal Trainer - Model - Entertainer
Stats: 5'1" 36D-26-34
Weight: Off season - 135 lbs. highest 150 lbs. -- Contest - 122 lbs. highest 128 lbs.
Marital Status: single
Best Lifts: Squats 315 lbs. - Bench 225 lbs. - Shoulder press 135 lbs. - Leg Press 900 lbs - Bicep Curls 115 lbs. - Close Grip 205 lbs.
Favorite Look: lean and ripped!
Favorite Health Food: chicken and rice
Favorite Junk Food: chocolate, but it has to be in something
Hobbies: DANCING! I love to dance as much as I do training. I love going to Raves and dancing to techno/house music. My favorite is hard, deep, funky, sexy house with some vocals. I appreciate the music and the DJ's who provide it!


Competitions and Placing
Kingston Open Level-1 1989 1st Place LW 101 lbs.
Ottawa Open Level-1 1990 1st Place LW 103 lbs.
Ontario Eastern Regional Level-2 1992 1st Place LW 105 lbs.
All Ontario Level-3 1993 1st Place LW 110.5 lbs.
Canadian Nationals Level-4 1995 1st Place LW 121 lbs. 
Earned my IFBB Pro Card by winning this event.
Jan Tana International 1998 placed 13th out of 28 competitors there were in North Carolina no weight classes at this event. 128 lbs.
Night of Champions 2003 did not place 119 lbs.
After staying out of Pro competition for 5 years for personal reasons I decided to try a come back in the newly formed "Figure Division".


The media and the audience liked me and I came in top shape. I thought that a combination of my muscle and a glamorous look would be the key. The top finishers were pretty and toned, I underestimated the amount of muscle I had, I did not belong in that category. A number of the photographers who follow the sport told me I should have competed as a light weight bodybuilder. I am happy with myself as my years of training showed off quality muscle and I prefer the look that I carried on to the stage that night.


I got complete positive response from everyone but the judges-oh well, guess I should accept and be proud that I am a true bodybuilder! I just wanted to prove a female bodybuilder can be glamorous and sexy as well as fit and strong. I love to feel this way and that night I believe I did!


Favorite Colors: black (because I like how it looks with my skin tone) dark purple, blue and pink.
Favorite Cars: sports cars -convertibles - Mercedes and Audis.
Favorite Animal: kittens, cats, I would love to own a tiger or a panther.
Favorite Flower: rose - yes it's traditional but its romantic.
Favorite Season- summer, I love the beach.
Favorite Places I've been to so far - LA, Vegas, NYC and Toronto.
Where I want to go and haven't been- Hawaii, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Australia, Bahamas and Miami.
Favorite Actors - Arnold Schwartznagger and John Travolta
Favorite Actresses-Pamela Anderson, Ashley Judd and Kathleen Turner
Favorite Entertainers- Oprah and Kristy Brinkley
Favorite Female Bodybuilder -Rachael McLish
Favorite Male Bodybuilder - Dennis Newman
Favorite Movies - Gone with the Wind, Great Intentions and Serial Mom.
Favorite TV Shows - Entertainment Tonight, Friends, Simpson's and educational shows.
Favorite Gifts- Diamonds jewelry, crystal, lingerie anything that sparkles.
Nicknames-Rhoda, Honda, Rockin Rhonda, Sadie, Ricky and Sparkle.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
How much do you bench?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Likes in a Man - honesty, patience, humor, fun, tall, dark, handsome and a nice butt.
Dislikes in a Man - dishonesty, impatience, arrogance and selfishness.
Pet Peeves- rude people


Training Philosophy and its effect on my life.
Training and bodybuilding lifestyle is my passion! I have been training for 14 years and it has helped me in many ways. It is an amazing feeling to transform your physique by hard work and mental willpower. It has been mostly positive which has transferred into other areas of my life. I have sacrificed some things to continue this path. I know it sounds drastic, but you have to do what you believe in and be yourself, I made the correct choice.


I think my competitive career is complete, but I will always train so long as I am able to, and I will always be involved in the fitness industry in some way. Consistency and determination have been the keys to my success. I don't train heavy anymore, although I did for years. In order to gain your base physique you must always train intensely with strict form. Food is extremely important as well as cardio and stretching. This all has a synergistic effect. Take at least 5 days to 1 week off every 3 months and change your program. Don't give up sometimes you get stuck or life goals get in the way, when you are able to pick-up where you left off.


View on myself and my values
I am all about peace, love and happiness. I am grateful to be on this earth and living life, however scary it may sometimes be. I am by no means perfect but I try to be. As my dad once said " I've hurt and been hurt, but never did cause pain in a purposeful manner"
Life challenges us and it's all about how we handle it. There have been many roadblocks on my journey, but I managed to knock them down. Sometime sit took awhile and a lot of patience but my persistence kept me going. Do what makes you happy in life so long as you don't hurt anyone (but do keep in mind you can't please everybody) make yourself #1, believe in yourself and think positive. Life is short make the most of it.


Future Aspirations
I am going to focus on my website, modeling and acting career giving my fans and the people around me what they want to see. I will stay involved in bodybuilding in someway and will always have the desire to compete.



I am focusing my career energy more fulltime to my passion of training people! I have been working extensively with Joe Anturi and many other pros to continue and expand my knowledge base of weight training and nutrition! You may work with me online or in person. Find out more at


RHONDA's Photo Gallery:

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© Photos 1-5 are courtesy of

© Photo 6 is courtesy of Bill Dobbins

© Photos 8-12 are courtesy of Scott Styles



Video Clip:


Video clip (11.4 MB)



Please visit Rhonda's own website at:



Rhonda can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Rhonda



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