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Welcome to the Page of the extremely attractive and great muscled National Level Bodybuilder COURTNEY SHIFLETT!

(all pictures are used by Courtney's personal permission)



Some Info about COURTNEY:


I was born in Baltimore, Md June 11, 1975
I currently live in Philadelphia Pa

I'm the General Manager of a Health Club as well as a massage therapist I've played pretty much every sport there is out there.....I was a gymnast, played baseball and softball, Soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and was on a swim team for a couple of years as well I started lifting weights when I was 22yrs old just to maintain a fit appearance.


A year after I started lifting I did my first show, I didn't think I was ready for it but I kept running into people involved in the sport who saw potential, so I thought about it and decided to do a show just to see If I had the discipline to do the diet. I did the Maryland in 1999 as my first show and took 3rd amongst the heavy weights....


Well then life got in the way and I didn't compete again until 2003 in the Body rock in Va last July. I won the middle weight class and that was enough to make up my mind that I wanted to do this again. I'm currently training for the Pittsburgh show, May 1st, and then the Jr Nationals June 19th. I guess its safe to say I'm hooked.


When I say my days are full its an understatement....I get up at 5:15am pack my food and my clothes for the day, get to the gym by 6:00am, do an hour of cardio, train, get to work by 8:30am work till 4:30 go to school from 5:30 to 10:30, come home do an hour of cardio and go to bed. Not to mention eating 6 xs a day and bartending at night on the weekends. I do 2 hours of cardio a day 1hr in the am 1hr in the pm train 5xs a week.


Main difference in training between off season and contest prep is season I only do about 30 - 45 minutes 3x's a week oh and Food.....Sometimes I think I work out just so I can eat all the s*** I want. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm best body part I would say my abs...I always have them even at my heaviest 150lbs I still have a six pack.


My Favorite body part to train is shoulders so I like any exercise that makes them burn. Least favorite exercise or muscle group to train would be biceps I'm starting to take a likening to them now that mine are growing.


Judges need to get on the same page when it comes to women's bodybuilding. A couple years ago women's bodybuilding was suppose to take a turn back to a more feminine look but some judges are still rewarding the women who come in extra hard. I think just like any other change it will take some time to be implemented consistently.


In my spare time when I'm not at the gym....I like to spend time catching up with my friends and family. I spend time with my 2 babies (a nine yr old Dalmatian, Halley and a 3 year old Pit Bull Gypsy)I love to travel and relaxing in my pajamas for a whole weekend is definitely a treat.


Please note:

Courtney is not available for any kind of sessions!




COURTNEY's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 4-6 are courtesy of George Legeros



Please also check out Courtney's own website at



Courtney can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Courtney



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© 2004 by Courtney Shiflett

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