Welcome to the Page of the gorgeous, very attractive and muscular Canadian Bodybuilder TATIANA ANDERSON! (all pictures are used by Tatiana's personal permission) Some Info about TATIANA: I competed once in 2006 at the Canadian Nationals in Saskatchewan and placed a disappointing 8th in the Heavyweight class. I hope to do much better in 2007 and have been hard at work in the gym. I am determined to redeem myself at Canadian Nationals in August. I also plan on competing in the North Americas for the first time. I am very excited at the idea of competing in the US. Even though I was not very sucessful on the competitive stage this past year, I kept busy shooting with many of the top photographers in the business. I also started doing more physique modeling and even had a small role in a major motion picture shot here in Vancouver. Hopefully this is just the beginning, as I am very interested in doing more TV and film work. I had a great year with my athletes that I train. I trained several local figure and bodybuilding competitors last year. I was busy attending many novice and provincial level shows all year. It felt like I was at a show every weekend! But it was worth it. All my clients placed top three and brought home trophies! My team will be even bigger this year. Some Stats: My off season weight is about 205lbs Contest weight 175lbs biceps 15.5inches legs 27 inches I am excited to announce that my website www.musclebunny.com is finally up! I owe a big thanks to my good friend Melissa Dettwiler for building it for me. You can find all my pics there, including lots of exclusive content and video clips. xoxox Tatiana Anderson Please note: Tatiana does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!! | TATIANA's Photo Gallery: © Photos 6-10 are courtesy of Steve Wennerstrom Video clips: Please also check out Tatiana's own website at:  Tatiana can be contacted by e-mail at: [email protected]  You are visitor  © 2007 Tatiana Anderson