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Welcome to the Page of the very attractive and beautifully muscled Australian Bodybuilding Champion CORAL MOODY!

(all pictures are used by Coral's personal permission)



Some Info about CORAL:


Where and when were you born? Melbourne, Victoria


What is your profession? Just retired from exotic dancing and now applying for a security license so I can work in security type positions. I’ll keep the stage presentations strictly for the bodybuilding stage now.


Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to bodybuilding and how did you get started with weight training? As a youngster up until my mid teens I did a lot of track and field and gymnastics, this was cut short due to knee injuries. I didn’t do any sports for a long time but worked for 15 years in the racehorse industry riding and caring for equine athletes instead. In 1995, at the age of 31, I came out of the horse racing industry and was seriously underweight with no shape to me what so ever. I needed a new focus in life. I originally started gym just to gain a little weight, but quickly got addicted to it and bodybuilding.


Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body? Not straight off, I was more concerned with just trying to get some meat on my bones. By the second year someone said “Why don’t you give competing a go, you’re showing some real good symmetry” My competitive streak was starting to remerge again. More people were suggesting the same thing. In 1997 I entered my first competition, it was only a 3rd place but I had a ball. After this I was definately hooked and since then I have the stage every year till 2002 with good success.

2003: saw me having a lay off, at the time I hated it, but now I look back and it was the best thing I could have done for my body for recovery.
2004: I came back and won both the Qld State and Australian National titles. Try and stop me now.
2005/06: Just when you think you have it all nutted out your body changes how it reacts or other outside influences effect your wellbeing, tests your patience and in turn effects your results. But this only serves to make me look at alternate avenues, just as the body changes and grows, so too must your approach to your training, diet and comp preps. It proves that you never know it all nor stop learning. The body really is an amazing thing. 
I've learnt so much in the 11 plus years I have been bodybuilding and competiting. 2006 is the first year I was shown how to pose more effectively, up untill now I have had no formal training in posing. Many thanks to Figuregirl & Making Shapes. In the past I had just watched, taken note and did my best to get it right. There's so much more I want to learn, to see just how far I can push myself. With each year that goes by, with each new PB I reach, I find another surge that makes me push even harder and I raise the bar another knotch. I love this stuff, the hunger to keep going is still strong.


Can you give me your competition history?


2006: 1st NPFC_IFBB Australasian Womens Open
1st NPFC_IFBB Gold Coast Womens Open


2005: 4th NPFC_IFBB Australian National Womens O/52kg
1st NPFC_IFBB Queensland State Womens Open


2004: 1st NPFC_IFBB Australian National Womens O/52kg
1st NPFC_IFBB Queensland State Womens Open


2002: 2nd NPFC_IFBB Queensland State Womens Open


2001: 1st NPFC_IFBB Queensland State O/57kg


2000: 4th NPFC_IFBB Australian Championships O/57kg
1st NPFC_IFBB Queensland State Womens Open
1st NPFC_IFBB Nth Queensland O/52kg & OA Womens


1999: 3rd NPFC_IFBB Queensland State O/52kg
1st NPFC_IFBB Nth Queensland O/52kg &OA womens
1st NPFC_IFBB Coral Coast O/52kg & AO womens
1st FNQ Extreme Sports Womens Open


1998: 3rd NPFC_IFBB Nth Queensland O/52kg
3rd NPFC_IFBB Coral Coast O/52kg


1997: 3rd NPFC_IFBB Nth Queensland O/52kg


Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?
To date, winning both the 2004 NPFC_IFBB Queensland State Womens Open and the NPFC_IFBB Australian National Womens O/52kg. I went into both competitions with concerns after seeing another competitor, who in my eyes was bigger and better developed, my confidence in myself was being doubted, all I saw was her size. I wasn’t seeing in myself what others were seeing. It wasn’t until I compared past photographs of myself that I could see the changes and improvements I had made. When I was announced the winner in both competitions I was gob-smacked to say the least. I’m sure there will be more memorable and big successes for me in the future.


Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.) Currently training weights 5 days a week. Having just competed in and won the IFBB Australasian in Sydney and the IFBB Gold Coast for 2006, I’m was also looking at competing next month in the NABBA Southern Hemisphere’s but a shoulder injury is needing my attention right now so I can compete later this year.


What is your favourite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much? I’d have to say triceps is a favorite, back is also a new favourite of late though and I’ve developed a love for chin-ups suddenly as it has increased my strength in other back excercises. I’m not a big fan of hammies, especially legcurls, but this is more to do with torn hamstrings that are taking a long time to heal as with dead lifts. I’m working on it and trying different approaches and making progress.


Which body part is your best in your opinion?
Hmm, we see ourselves differently than others do, some say I have a great back, others comment on my legs, shoulders/traps or arms. I would like to think that no one body-part stands out any more than another as I strongly believe in symmetry and aim for this


What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'? The thing I enjoy most about a comp prep is that I have an immediate goal to focus on and a dead line to meet. I ensures that I don’t slack off in any aspect of my training. From the time I get up of a morning till I finally crash for the night my day is planned and full. As for the off season, well I can relax a little more and not feel guilty if I decide to have an off day or that special treat. I can also spend a little more time with my friends.


Please describe a typical day in the life of Coral Moody.
Well this depends on whether I’m preparing for a comp or just training off season. During a comp prep I train weights 5 days a week and the day starts at 10am with a 30-45 min cardio session with my dog Bev_Lee, no need for an alarm clock with her around, she’s waking me up all excited about going out for some fun. Then we come home for breakfast and I prepare some meals then run some errands. Then it’s time for a snack before I go to the gym and hit the weights. Then another meal straight after. I do the usual house chores that have to be done, eat some more, then do another cardio session. 
By 6pm I have to start getting ready for work {I usually work 4 nights a week}, prepare meals to take with me, eating as I go, then I’m off to work starting at 9pm. I finish work any where between 3 and 5am, then come home, check my email then go to bed. My meals are every 1 and a half to 2 hours. 
During the off season the cardio is dropped back to 1 session every other day and weight sessions are 4 to 5 days a week. The meals are higher in calories with the added carbs and eaten every 2 to 2 and a half hours. My work situation will be changing over the next few weeks as I’ve just retired from the hectic club scene and soon to be starting a new venture once I’ve completed my security coarse and got my security license.


Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out ( hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.) When I get the chance I like to spend some either at the beach or off somewhere where there’s less people and more quiet like a rain forest by a creek or go see a movie, even just relax at home. It’s even better when I get to share this time with my close friends and catch up, have a few laughs and just be me.


What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
I think what I enjoy the most about this industry, is what I have learnt. I’ve learnt that I can achieve more than I thought I was capable of. I’ve also learnt that what I have done for myself has inspired others to take the next step to realising their goals also. Without wanting to sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet, I enjoy the fact that bodybuilding has me looking younger than my years. A cleaner diet, the weight training and lifestyle has me feeling as I did ten years ago if not better.


What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
I’m aiming for another Australian title. I would love to get to International level and represent Australia in physique competitions with distinction. I believe with the right support I can do this and do it well. On a more personal level, I’m looking into starting my own business with stage presentation, contest tanning being the main concept, also costume and grooming with my connections within the bodybuilding community.


My website will be receiving a big upgrade later this year {provided all goes as planned} incorporating another web community, „Sharp Curves“, which I started nearly 5 years ago, as a forum. 
To view my current website go to


I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Andy for getting back in touch with me about being featured on his site. It’s taken a lil’ while, but I’m finally here.


Please note:

Coral does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




CORAL's Photo Gallery:


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Please also check out Coral's own website at



Coral can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]

E-mail Coral



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