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Welcome to the Femalemuscle Page!

(all images are used by Lori Braun's personal permission)


Our site is the largest and most comprehensive bodybuilding and fitness site on the Internet.


We are the only major bodybuilding site with female ownership and the only site whose major focus is covering and promoting female bodybuilding and health.


We extensively report on both the professional and amateur female and male bodybuilding scene.


Our photographers and editorial staff create large galleries for all major bodybuilding events.


Our "Homegrown" feature allows women who train to submit their photographs and biographies and to show off what they have accomplished. This publicity can help them in their bodybuilding goals and encourages all of our viewers to train hard, eat healthier, and maintain a positive self-image.


We also offer a Talk Live program where we can instantly connect you to over 20 female bodybuilders around the world and new female bodybuilders are joining us each week.




Sample Photo Gallery:


Sue Scheppele  Sue Scheppele  Sue Scheppele  Sue Scheppele

Sonya McFarland  Sonya McFarland  Yaxeni Oriquen  Yaxeni Oriquen

Yaxeni Oriquen  Christine Roth  Christine Roth  Christine Roth



Sample Video clips:


Arnold Classic 2005 (10.7 MB)

Video clip is a sample from the "Arnold Classic 2005" Video

The video can be purchased at the Femalemuscle website



Please also check out the Femalemuscle website at:



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© 2004-2005 by Lori Braun

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