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Welcome to the Page of the very muscular and great looking NPC National Level Bodybuilder CINDY JOHNSON!

(all pictures are used by Cindy's personal permission)



Some Info about CINDY:


Where and when were you born?
I was born and raised in Orange County, Ca. in 1961. When I was 16 we moved to Montana. It was fun at first then culture shock hit and so did winter! A lot has happened since then and I've found my way back to wonderful California...I love it here.


What is your profession?
I've been Personal Training for 13 years.


What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights?
I was never very athletic or into team sports, I played volleyball in school and was a fast runner in track, that was about it. I always did some kind of exercising cause I was very conscious of how my body looked...I wanted to be exceptional, not average.


How and when did you get involved into lifting weights?
I was married at 17... my husband and I joined Broadwater Athletic Club in Helena, Montana, I was immediately hooked! It was all the old silver Universal Equipment, I was so fasinated by all the contraptions...and determined that I was going to learn how to use each and every one of them. There weren't trainers everywhere in the gyms...unlike today. I loved the feel of working out, and the results were so fast it kept me motivated for more.


Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
A couple years of messing around in the gym, learningand some muscle growth... then I had my daughter Heather, I whipped right back into shape...then two years later I had my son Josh. It wasn't until Josh was born that I found it hard to get back into my tight jeans then I really got serious about lifting. I started getting encouragement to compete. At that time Rachel McLish was number ONE!!


What was your first competition and how did you place?
My first competition was The 1990 Montana Natural Bodybuilding Championships in Billings, Montana. I got second, I was happy.


And which contest has been the biggest success for you so far?
The 1994 Rocky Mountain States was a great win for me because it was my third shot at it and I really wanted it bad, but I would have to say that so far winning the California State this year (2004) has got to be my biggest success.


Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far?
1990 Montana Natural BB Championships-Billings, MT (2nd)
1992 Rocky Mtn States-Spokane,WA (2nd,hvy wt.)
1993 Rocky Mtn States-Spokane,WA (2nd,md wt.)
1993 Big Sky Montana-Kalispel, MT (1st & Overall, mdwt.)
1994 Rocky Mtn States-Spokane, WA (1st & overall, mdwt.)
1996 Emerald Cup-Seattle, WA (4th md wt.)
1996 Rocky Mtn States-Spokane,WA (1st md wt.)
1996 Golds Classic-Eugene,Oregon (2nd md wt.)
2000 Contra Costa-Hayward,CA (2nd md wt.)
2000 Cal State-Redondo Beach,CA (2nd md wt.)
2000 Flex Wheeler Classic-Fresno,CA (2nd md wt.)
2004 Max Muscle Championships-Fresno,CA (1st & overall hvy wt.)
2004 Contra Costa-Hayward,CA (2nd hvy wt.)
2004 Cal State-Culver City,CA (1st & overall hvy wt.)

2004 NPC USA, Las Vegas, NV (4th lt. hvy wt.)

2005 NPC USA, Las Vegas, NV (13th lt. hvy wt.)


Please describe a typical day in the life of Cindy Johnson.
Most days during the week I'm up by 5am and start my first client at 5:30, depending on the day I usually come home and get my grandaughter up and ready to go to the daycare at the gym so I can finish my morning clients. By that time it's 10-11am. We either run a few errands, go home and eat or have coffee or lunch with my husband. Around 1:30 it's nap time. I take about an hour nap, my grandaughter will sleep longer so I tan or do some computer work or house cleaning. By the time she gets up, we have a snack...I have my Peanut butter and coffee, need my second's time to get ready to head back to the gym. My husband comes home to watch her while I train my evening clients, he then drops her off at the daycare while we have our workout together. Depending if it's a cardio day we usually get home around 9pm. Then it's home to eat, shower get the baby to bed. Get food, coffee and clothes ready for next day and then spend some quality time with my husband. I usally don't hit the pillow til after 11pm. Weekends are for relaxing,sleeping in, working out, working on our house, shopping or whatever. I don't work on the weekends.


Please tell me something about your daily training routine.
I work one bodypart a week. About six years ago I started splitting up quads and hams, it has made a tremendous difference in my hams which were a very weak area for me, now one of my strongest.


How often do you train in a week?
It usually ends up being 5-6 days per week, depending on competition.


What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in off-season?
Number one is diet...number two is cardio...and third is I won't miss a workout because I've set a long term schedule of training and diet...I stick to it, only being real sick would make me stray from it. I always lift by instinct and love to go heavy year round. One thing that is rarely talked about is rest. I feel that it's just as important as the workout and the diet. If you don't rest you never recover or grow and you never let your body get ready for more stress.


Which bodypart is your best in your opinion?
Biceps and Shoulders


What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don't like so much?
I like dips and leg extensions and dislike calf raise.


Judging in Women's Bodybuilding has always been criticised in one or the other way. Please tell me your honest thoughts about today's judging in Women's Bodybuilding.
The controversy is because there's no finish line, it's a guideline plus personal preference made by the judges. The judges are definitely setting the standard for womens bodybuilding and I've seen it go full circle, from not allowing Bev Francis score higher, then seeing the huge and freaky Kim Chevinsky win and now back to a much more feminine Lenda Murray. When I stopped competing in 2000..I was done, I didn't like where the sport was heading and I didn't want to lose my feminity to win contests. Now I see some really great changes, I see the judges wanting more of a softer look and more attention to makeup, hair etc. which does give that overall package...thank you Judges!!!My way of supporting this sport I love so much is to compete in it.


Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don't work out (profession, hobbies, etc.)
My husband and I love to work on our house, we are shopping freaks. We are also raising my 2 year old grandaughter...wheeww now that's a challenge, good thing she has a strong grandma! Besides that bodybuilding is our lifestyle, my husband is my number one support....I have to say that I wouldn't have come back in 2004 had it not been for him, he's awesome!


What are your future plans?
After winning the Cal this year I decided to do the USA, it's been a long haul and will be my fourth since Feb., but I'm ready!... at 43 I'm in the very best shape of my life. After that I will decide for 2005.


Please note:

Cindy does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




CINDY's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 7-10 are courtesy of Mike Yurkovic



Video clips:


Video clip (6.2 MB)  Video clip (6.7 MB)



Please also check out Cindy's own website at:



Cindy can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Cindy



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