Last update: March 23rd 2018 | Welcome to the Profile Page of the mesmerizing & attractive Bodybuilder DANNI TERRESA! (all pictures are used by Tanya's permission) Some Info about DANNI: Hello everyone! My name is Danni Terresa and I am very happy you want to know more about me! I am not sure exactly where to start, but I can answer some questions that I get asked a lot. I have not been lifting out that long. I started 3 years ago in 2015. Mt athletic background helped me to gain a lot of muscle very fast naturally which lead me to compete in bodybuilding shows. I used to play a lot of sports. I was an athlete in school. I played all the sports and was pretty good at them all too. I liked to play football, (soccer) hockey, basketball, rounders. I also did a lot of swimming and track and field. Shortly after I started to lift weights I entered my first female bodybuilding competition, which was; NABBA (National Amateur Bodybuilding Association) I placed 4th overall in female bodybuilding, which is very good considering I have only been bodybuilding for 4 months! After the NABBA show I decided to only compete in Natural bodybuilding shows such as the; UKDFBA (United Kingdom Drug Free Bodybuilding Association) I am a UKDFBA world champion! I believe that my achievement are remarkable in the short time I have been lifting weights for. I will only improve in the future, and I am excited for whatever the future brings. | DANNI's Photo Gallery: Video Clips: Please also check out Danni's own website at:  You are visitor © 2018 Danni Terresa