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Welcome to the Profile Page of the incredibly attractive & muscular Bodybuilder MIHAELA "ELLA" RADU!

(all pictures are used by Mihaela's personal permission)



Some Info about MIHAELA:


Name: Mihaela Radu

Birth date : 05 November 1982.

Birth place: Roman, Romania.

Residence: Iasi, Romania.

Nationality: Romanian.

Hight: 5'1 155 cm.

Weight: Curent off season 145 lbs 65kg | Contest shape 121 lbs 55kg.

Hair: Blond.

Eyes: Dark brown .

Ocupation: Software company manager.

Studies: Light industry engineer diploma and economist , diet and nutrtion course.

Hobbies: Bodybuilding, travelling, cinema, pets.

Years training: six years.

Lifting records:
Squats 308lbs 140 kg
Bench press 220lbs 100kg
Shoulder press 154lbs 70kg
Deadlifts 308lbs 140kg
Curls 132lbs 60kg (both hands)
55lbs 25kg (one hand)

Goals: Winning an important contest in 2010
I was born in 5 november 1982 in Roman a town in Romania. I was a strong child and i allways enjoyed physical activities. I started attending a gym six years ago becouse I wanted to keep fit. Shortly after I discovered the exciting world of bodybuilding and I started training out of passion. Bodybuilding completely changed my life: I got more organised with my time and I became aware of the importance of a good nutrtion. At the beginning bodybuilding was just a hobby , I was enjoyng building my muscles as it made me feel good aboute myself . I also liked very much watching professional competitions.


I got so involved in this life style that I got a job as trainer in a gym and I really liked helping other people change their bodies and their diet. I was happy to see that many people followed my advice and improved the quality of their life.


After few years of training i had the curiosity and the courage to enter a competition my self-it was the National bodybuilding contest of Romania 2009. It was a very good experience for me, that's why I intend to enter the 2010 competition.




MIHAELA's Photo Gallery:


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Please also check out Mihaela's own website at




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